EP58: Elevate Your Business: 3 Essential CEO Activities with Jae Morales

Welcome back to episode two of our three-part mini-series with Jae Morales. In this episode, we’re sharing 3 CEO activities you should be doing every month for your business to keep things running smoothly and make sure you set yourself up for success. 

A quick recap on Jae and her biz…

Jae is an REI investor who joined us at our Charlotte retreat, and loves to focus her energy on helping others work on their business, instead of in their business and is a boss at all things SOPs.

If you haven’t already, make sure to listen to our first sit-down with Jae in episode 57.

3 CEO Activities You Should Be Doing Every Month

  1. Review your monthly financial reports

  2. Conduct performance and quality reviews (for yourself + any employees or contractors)

  3. Goal setting + future planning

Oftentimes, we see people forget to treat their rest estate investing business like a legitimate business and this is super important to do even if you only have a single property in your portfolio.

See what Jae is up to now by following her over on Instagram and make sure to tune in next week for the final episode in this three-part mini-series!

Take care, friends!


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EP59: Growing Your Team for Maximum Success with Jae Morales


EP57: Unlocking Success: How SOPs Fuel Business Growth with Jae Morales