EP38: Using Facebook to Find Free Seller Finance Leads with Jenn & Joe Delle Fave

Welcome back to the fourth and final episode in our creative finance mini-series with Jenn and Joe Delle Fave. In this episode, we’re going to talk about using Facebook to source creative finance deals, because Jenn and Joe do a fantastic job of using this free resource to find tons of leads.

Check out the first three episodes of this miniseries:

As you know, Jenn and Joe have been doing this full-time since March 2020, but they began their real estate journey back in 2017 and that is when they really started diving into using Facebook and social media to spread the word about their business. In 2017 Jenn surprised Joe by telling him that they were about to go live on Facebook to show off the Rehab on a house that they were going to be doing. Joe had no idea what Jenn was even talking about because going live on social media really wasn't a big thing yet. Like a deer in headlights, Jenn started the camera rolling on Joe, and it grew from there. 

Jenn's thought process behind it was that if people could sell things on social media like vitamins, jewelry, and Beachbody workouts, why couldn't they sell (or rent) real estate? It quickly escalated and Jenn and Joe realized that if they could find buyers for properties they could likely find sellers as well. 

Having a personal Facebook page is one thing, but starting a business Facebook page is much different and gives you a much more professional presence on social media. Jenn and Joe's early social media presence was minimal and mostly from the buying side. They occasionally would list properties they had for sale and they realized that the more involved they were with the post, the more traction the posts got. They gained the most traction by going live on their page. After using local Facebook groups to gain more traction, they eventually graduated to doing sponsored ads, but they still love live videos. They are also proponents of referral offers; these typically tend to be great leads. Bonus points if you share a photo or video of the referral on your social channels!

Maybe you’re ready to grow your Facebook presence but don’t have deals under your belt yet. Use photos you find online of what you're looking for. When you share what you're looking for on social media people can come to you with what they have or what they find when they're out and about. Post a photo of a fixer-upper with the caption “I buy houses just like this, do you know anyone selling a property like this one?” No one knows (or needs to know) that it’s not actually your house from a previous deal, it's simply what you're looking to buy. People want to see you, and buy into you; they want to see what you are up to in your business.

While it does take time to set up your Facebook account the right way, it doesn’t cost a thing. It doesn’t need to be glamorous, it just needs to be about you and your business. Posts and content that include a human face perform better than those that don’t. This is an excellent way to build that ‘know, like, and trust’ factor, without actually meeting someone in person.

Thanks for listening friends! We’ll catch you in the next episode!


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EP39: Alternative Ways to Rent Your Midterm Rental


EP37: Rent to Own with Jenn & Joe Delle Fave