EP47: How I Quit My $200K Job to Go Full Time REI with Seena Ghetmiri

Hi, friends! Welcome back to another episode of the Women Invest In Real Estate podcast! We are so excited to have you join us this week because we are welcoming Seena Ghetmiri (yes, our first male guest, but don’t run away - you are going to want to hear his story!). Seena actually started out on the traditional path, heading to college and becoming a dentist when he decided to take his future into his own hands and pivot into the world of real estate investing.

Leaving his 9 to 5, after following such a traditional path as his family expected, is such a hot topic and Seena’s story will truly resonate with so many of our listeners. Seena’s Middle Eastern family very much is the ‘higher-education parent generation’, where he did what he was ‘supposed to do’ by going to college and having a career in an upper level field.

After graduation from dentistry school, Seena moved to San Diego from New York, although he quickly learned that working his job looked much different than he expected it to. He worked at that practice for 2 years before relocating again to Austin to take, at the time, what was his dream job. Things got better at this new practice but after the honeymoon period wore off he had the realization…

“This cant be ‘IT’.”

Seena wanted to start a family with his wife, but also wanted to be able to show up for them. This job wasn’t lighting him up and while the pay was there, his heart was not. He told his wife he wanted to take 6 months off and explore the world of REI. She supported him fully and he put in his notice and went all in. This maybe wasn’t the best route, but for him, it worked.

Seena and his wife have since grown an impressive REI portfolio, has launched a podcast (a MUST LISTEN!), and he and his wife are expecting their first child.

Thoughts from Seena:

  1. Share your interest - put it out into the universe

  2. Find a good mentor (they don’t need to be an REI expert!)

  3. Take calculated action

  4. Create an experience for your guests

  5. Give yourself permission to dream

  6. Find a way to raise the level of urgency to just get started

  7. Make the move, you only have one shot

If you want to learn more about Seena, follow along on his journey, or want to connect with him, you can find him on Instagram. We also highly recommend checking out his podcast, Ghet Investing.

Thank you for tuning in, we’ll catch you in the next episode!


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EP48: The Power of a Buy Box with Amelia & Grace


EP46: 5 Ideas for Furnishing Your Midterm Rental with Amelia & Grace