6 Rehab Tips for Real Estate with Amelia & Grace

Hi friends! Welcome back to another podcast episode. In this week’s episode, we are sharing our 6 best tips for rehabbing in real estate. Whether you have flipped a dozen or more houses, or are looking to tackle your first rehab project, this episode is packed with strategies to make sure your project, and budget, stay on track.

The 6 tips we are digging into are:

  1. Beginner-friendly rehab budgeting tips and tricks

  2. Add a 10-20% buffer to your timeline and budget

  3. Get good quotes from contractors (and get multiple!)

  4. Don’t be afraid to ask your current contractors for more referrals

  5. Consider subbing out some rehab project work

  6. Best practices for paying your contractors

Do you have an idea for a topic you’d like to hear on the podcast? Let us know! Email us directly or connect with us on Instagram! We love hearing what YOU want to hear more of on the podcast.

Until next week, friends!


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EP71: Building Your Investor Community with Amelia & Grace


EP69: Behind The Scenes with Amelia & Grace